The Network of the 3Seas Region is hosting a meeting with East Poland House in Brussels with the purpose of presenting the objectives of the Network of the Three Seas Regions, promoting the format of cooperation with the intention of expanding it to new members.
The event is accompanied by the performance of Milosz Bachonko one of the best and most successful accordionists in Poland and abroad. The meeting is also an unprecedented opportunity to taste the flavors of the Lubelskie Region.
This meeting will be an information and networking session directed towards heads of regions and representatives from all regional offices of Three Seas Initiative countries. Will take place on March 15, 2023, at 7:00 PM, on Avenue de Tervueren 48, 1040 Brussels – East Poland House.
For more information please contact the Office of the Network of the 3Seas Regions Phone:
+48 81 4416 796 or at 3seas.network@lubelskie.pl
Looking forward to meeting you in Brussels!